3D Asymmetrical Chêneau Bracing

Idiopathic scoliosis is recognized as a three-dimensional (3D) structural disorder affecting the spine and trunk in 3 planes: a lateral movement of the spine (Frontal Plane); spinal torsion (Transverse Plane), and abnormal changes to spinal kyphosis and lordosis (sagittal plane). Its progression is primarily related to curve magnitude and growth potential. Without treatment, curves 25–50° will likely progress and curves >50° will likely progress even after skeletal maturity.

However, scientific evidence now shows that timely intervention of appropriate 3D Asymmetrical Chêneau Style Bracing during periods of rapid growth in childhood, and particularly in adolescence with peak growth occurring at the beginning of puberty, and even before skeletal maturity (<Risser 3), can prevent curve progression, reduce curves, and improve trunk deformity.

The Gensingen Brace is a 3D Asymmetrical Chêneau Style Brace.


From A Gensingen Brace Perspective

In 2014 Dr Weiss, an orthpaedic specialist, published a case report of a bracing case in which his patient achieved a persistent long term clinical and radiological correction.

He conducted the case based on (1) the premise that bracing is the primary treatment for scoliosis patients during their growth spurt, (2) his concerns about the various standards and efficacy of brace treatment patients worldwide receive, and (3) significantly whether bracing could effectively result in a persistent long term positive corrective outcome.

His case involved a girl aged 11 with a 38° single thoracic curve which was considered, without treatment, to be at a very high risk of progression. She required a second brace before being weaned off the treatment at 15 having reached skeletal maturity.

6 years after brace treatment, when she was almost 21, her thoracic curve had stabliszed at 19° - 50% less than her curve at 11 years of age. She had full functionality and was extremely satisfied with the outcome.

In his case report Dr Weiss concluded:

  • Bracing scoliosis maybe highly efficient and is supported by scientific evidence
  • Bracing according to the cutting-edge developments has been shown to be able to improve the angle of curvature as well as the trunk deformity.
  • Bracing according to the cutting-edge developments appear able to lead to relevant and lasting improvements of the Cobb angle and trunk deformity in the long term.

Scientific research has shown that there are a wide variety of braces available to patients but many lack evidence of effectiveness. Others though, like the Gensingen brace, do provide persistent long term positive corrective outcomes.

2 Gensingen 3D Asymmetrical Chêneau braces are displayed above. In the top row the brace shown is correcting a severe primary thoracic curve and a secondary lumbar curve. In the bottom row the brace is correcting a moderate lumbar curve and prominent hip.

Click once on an image to expand it to full view, a gallery slide show will automatically commence; or you can manually move from one image to another by clicking on the left and right arrow indicators.

Shroth 3D Scoliois Therapy can Improve Bracing outcomes

There is also scientific evidence to show that Schroth [3D] exercises performed by patients with a high risk of curve progression during bracing can improve the bracing outcome when compared with bracing alone.

InMotion Orthotics & Victoria Sports and Rehabilitation Clinic

Grace Addison

The Gensingen 3D asymmetrical Chêneau brace is available in Australia from InMotion Orthotics & Victoria Sports and Rehabilitation Clinic

The Scoliosis Therapy Centre works together with the 2 clinics providing optimum outcomes for juvenile and adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients.

Our aim for each patient is to prevent further curve progression, reduce their curve(s) and and provide them with a long term positive corrective outcome.


InMotion Orthotics is located in Southport, Qld:

Level 2, Suite 5A,Gold Coast Surgery Centre103 Nerang St, Southport QLD, 4214

Contact: Grace Addison, Orthotist

Victoria Sports and Rehabilitation Clinic is located in Mt Eliza, Vic

Contact: Dr Daniel Commerford, Osteopath

1287 Nepean Hwy, Mount Eliza VIC 3930

Click on the following citations to access the case report and study briefly explained on this page:

Weiss HR. Bracing can lead to a persistent correction in the treatment of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: A case report. Hard Tissue 2014 Apr 18;3(1):8.

Kwan KYH, Cheng ACS, Koh HY, Chiu AYY, Cheung KMC. Effectiveness of Schroth exercises during bracing in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: results from a preliminary study—SOSORT Award 2017 Winner. Scoliosis and Spinal Disorders. 2017;12:32. doi:10.1186/s13013-017-0139-6.

For more information on the effectiveness of Schroth 3D therapy click of the following citation:

Kim K-D, Hwangbo P-N. Effects of the Schroth exercise on the Cobb’s angle and vital capacity of patients with idiopathic scoliosis that is an operative indication. Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 2016;28(3):923-926. doi:10.1589/jpts.28.923.